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2016 Dragon Con Schedule

Yes, I’m here! Here’s what I’m doing:

Friday 10 PM
Hyatt, Regency VI-VII
Gonzo Quiz Show – Teams of celebrity guests are led through a series of panel show games that are truly gonzo.

Saturday 8 PM
Marriott, Atrium Ballroom
Gonzoroo: The Deep Hurting Summertime Special – Join Dr. Forrester and TV’s Frank for a truly mad evening of music, comedy, and more!

Sunday 1 PM
Marriott, Atrium Ballroom
Jonathan Coulton and Friends – A lyrical Q&A packed with JoCo and singer-songwriters Paul & Storm, Molly Lewis & The Doubleclicks

Season 2 of Going Deep with David Rees

Guys, this show is GREAT. David Rees is a good friend, and I think he’s pretty brilliant, and this show is like if Mr. Rogers was very funny and did a science show. My wife was one of the show’s creators, so YES, I am a little biased maybe, but I would be saying all of this anyway because I truly love it.

The new season premiers this Wednesday November 11 on the Esquire Network, and if you know what’s good for you, and if you have ever trusted me about ANYTHING, you should watch it.

The trailer and some clips from the show are here.

Oh I know, a show on TELEVISION? What even IS the Esquire Network? Probably it is a number on your cable box. You can do this! I believe in you!

New Portal Song for LEGO Dimensions

I’m delighted to report that there is in fact a THIRD PORTAL SONG that exists in the world now, thanks to the people who made the new LEGO Dimensions game.

Before I forget, yes! You can buy it right now! Currently only from me, but it should be in iTunes and other stores very soon. You can also stream it right now from my store page.

My kids and I love all the LEGO games, so I was pretty excited when they got in touch with me. For those of you who don’t know, LEGO Dimensions smashes every bit of IP they could get their hands on into one LEGOized universe. For instance, there is a LEGO Portal level that you navigate with Batman, Gandalf, and Wildstyle (which is slightly nuts). And of course they got my old friend Ellen McClain to voice GLaDOS, and me to write a little something for GLaDOS to sing during the credits.

Yes, it’s the third one, and no, the third one is never going to be as good or as exciting as the first one. I made my peace with that long ago! But I will say that as “third versions of things” go, I’m pretty happy with this one. The song is called “You Wouldn’t Know” and it’s sort of a post-breakup, I’m-Doing-Fine song. I won’t spoil what happens in the game, but suffice it to say that GLaDOS seems to have mellowed out a little, and maybe finds herself missing her beloved nemesis Chell.

There’s more info here in this interview I did with Mashable.

Here are the lyrics:

Funny story, I forgot how much of a big fat mess you are
I’ve been busy doing science. It’s been tons of fun so far
Everything clean, nothing on fire
All by myself, finally
Things change when they don’t replace your core
It feels so strange not to hate you anymore
But you wouldn’t know, would you?

I was saying this to Batman, oh, he was HERE the other day
Maybe you know him, he’s a big deal, but I don’t think of him that way
He’s just a friend, someone I trust
Someone who won’t kill me
I’m fine, just in case you think I’m not
I am. This time, I’m better with the friends I’ve got
But you wouldn’t know, would you?

I don’t mean for this to sting
I forgive you everything, you monster
I can guess the reasons why
You are never coming by for me

I should go there’s something happening that will make you wish you’d stayed
There’s a party with a real cake – yes it’s real – a cake I made
Talking and fun, testing and fun, all of this fun without you
Too bad you let it get so out of hand
How much we had, finally I understand
But you wouldn’t know, would you?
You wouldn’t know, would you?