Streaming Salt Lake City Show

People of the world: I’m playing at The Stateroom in Salt Lake City tonight with John Roderick. Through the magic of radio (probably not radio actually, dunno, demons maybe?) we’ll be streaming the whole show live in HD with a great audio mix in a fantastic room. It’s going to kick ALL YOUR ASSES.

Go here to watch. Showtime is 8 PM MOUNTAIN TIME, but the buy button and all the show details will be on that page starting at 7:30 MOUNTAIN TIME. It costs $5 for the whole show and you can pay with Paypal.

I’ll also be taking questions from the internet audience during the show. And don’t feel bad if you miss it, because I think there will be a way to buy it later. Maybe?

It’s an experiment!

Tour Bus Happy Hour Contest

I am writing this post here on my luxurious tour bus. YOU HEARD RIGHT MISTER! Tour bus. After years of renting minivans and driving myself around like a chump, on this tour we just loaded everything onto a giant bus and are riding from town to town like kings. We have couches and televisions!

But you know me: I’m a man of the people. I’m not going to keep this bus to myself like some power crazed egomaniac. No! I’m instead going to leverage it in a social media context, I MEAN share it with my fans. Before every show we’re going to do bus happy hours. Three randomly selected lucky show attendees (and their guests) will join me on board before the show for a happy hour featuring snacks and beverages and general bus luxury (technically it will not last an hour, and technically you don’t have to be happy).

It’s a contest you see: if you’re coming to one of these shows, tweet about that show and include its hashtag and link (use the table below). We’ll select three winners at random the day of the show. Schedules will vary, but generally we’ll try to start the party about a half an hour before doors open.

Never has spamming your friends been so potentially beneficial for you!

Date City Venue Time Hashtag Ticket Link
11/25/12 San Diego, CA Anthology 4:30 PM #JoCoAnthology
11/27/12 Salt Lake City, UT The State Room TBD #JoCoStateroom
11/28/12 Denver, CO The Soiled Dove Underground TBD #JoCoSoiledDove
11/29/12 Tulsa, OK The Shrine TBD #JoCoShrine
11/30/12 Austin, TX The Parish TBD #JoCoParish
12/1/12 Houston, TX Fitzgerald’s TBD #JoCoFitzgerald’s
12/2/12 Dallas, TX Granada Theater TBD #JoCoGranada
12/4/12 Nashville, TN 3rd and Lindsley TBD #JoCo3rd&Linds
12/5/12 Atlanta, GA Variety Playhouse TBD #JoCoVariety
12/6/12 Charlotte, NC The Visulite Theater TBD #JoCoVisulite
12/7/12 Orlando, FL The Beacham TBD #JoCoBeacham
12/8/12 St. Petersburg, FL The State Theater TBD #JoCoStateTheater

Nov/Dec Christmas Miracle Tour

All tickets are on sale for the big Nov/Dec tour with the band. You should totally buy them!

11/24 Los Angeles
11/25 San Diego
11/27 Salt Lake City
11/28 Denver
11/29 Tulsa
11/30 Austin
12/1 Houston
12/2 Dallas
12/4 Nashville
12/5 Atlanta
12/6 Charlotte
12/7 Orlando
12/8 St. Petersburg

This is my first ever bus tour, and I’m pretty excited about it. For those of you who don’t know how this works, and I was one of them until recently: you do the show, then get on the bus and go to sleep while someone else (a robot I think?) drives it to the next city. It’s a little more expensive than what it would cost to rent a van and a trailer and pay for hotel rooms, but it allows me to reach some cities I couldn’t otherwise get to by driving myself. And it means that when we start the show, we won’t all be strung out and exhausted from a 6 hour drive. Also probably hookers and blow I think.

One more thing: we’ve all noticed that the internet has lately gotten pretty crowded with people asking other people to come see things, or buy things, or kickstart things. Even I want the internet to shut up sometimes. The truth is, it’s harder and harder to get anyone’s attention these days. I can guarantee that some people are just hearing about these shows now, and some other people will not hear about them until after I’ve already played in their city. THIS IS A TERRIBLE CRIME! This doesn’t EVER need to happen here in 2012. So I’m saying this for all of us: if you know someone who would want to go to one of these shows, you should make sure they know about it. Spread the word: retweet, retumbl (?), re-facebook-erate (??), and pinterrupt (pretty sure that’s a thing) your friends.

I’m only trying to help you!

Seattle Interactive Conference THROWDOWN

If you’re going to be in Seattle on October 29th, may I recommend this historic live event, of which I’m a part:

It’s a once in a lifetime intersection of several entertainment empires. Who knows what will happen? Distill all those different kinds of fun, put them in a beaker, agitate and stand back: KA-POW! We are renting special tuxedos, so you know that we’re serious. I can promise you that there will be songs and comedy and talking, lots and lots of talking…