Show Schedule Update

By JoCo October 4, 2008

If you subscribe to the mailing list you already know all of this. Still:

It’s been a while since I sent one of these updates, and there’s a lot
coming up. Still working on the DVD (I know! How do you think I feel?)
but we’re getting there. And looming in front of me is this obviously
awesome UK/Ireland tour – you may have heard the Oxford show got
cancelled and replaced with a show in Birmingham, so all of you in
Oxford waiting for tickets to go on sale, erm, sorry? I’ll catch you
next time. Here we go:

Friday October 24 at 7:30 PM
Dublin Ireland
Whelan’s Pub

Saturday October 25 at 7:30 PM
Glasgow UK
Oran Mor

Wednesday October 29 at 7:30 PM
Manchester UK
Manchester Academy (Club Academy)
With Paul and Storm

Thursday October 30 at 7 PM
London UK
Shepherd’s Bush Empire
With Paul and Storm

Friday October 31
Nottingham UK
Performance at Game City
More details TBD
With Paul and Storm

Saturday November 1 at 7:15 PM
Birmingham UK
The Glee Club
With Paul and Storm

Sometime shortly after this trip there will be a bit of traveling
with John Hodgman on his book tour, more details coming soon.

And then, a couple things to round out the end of the year, hopefully
New York City sometime in early December, but first:

Friday November 21 at 8 PM
Boston, MA
The Paradise
With Paul and Storm

Saturday November 22 at 8 PM
Nyack, NY
Riverspace Arts

And then after a brief resting period in which gifts will be
exchanged, I am back on the West Coast and in Denver for the very
first time:

Friday January 16 at 9 PM
Denver, CO
The Soiled Dove Underground
With Paul and Storm

Saturday January 17 at 9 PM
San Francisco, CA
Great American Music Hall
With Paul and Storm

Sunday January 18 at 8 PM
San Francisco, CA
Great American Music Hall
With Paul and Storm

Thursday January 22
Vancouver, BC
I hope anyway – details to come
With Paul and Storm

Friday January 23 at 8 PM
Seattle, WA
Moore Theater
With Paul and Storm

Saturday January 24 at 8 PM
Portland, OR
The Aladdin Theater
With Paul and Storm

Am I too tired to keep going? No, I am not:

Friday February 20 at 7:30 PM
Alexandria, VA
The Birchmere
With Paul and Storm

Saturday February 21 at 8 PM
Annapolis, MD
Ram’s Head Tavern
With Paul and Storm

As always, you should suspect that I have made some errors here and
there – please double check my dates and times before you buy tickets
and make plans. Thanks for reading this far – see you soon I hope!


Lex says

Woo, ticket details for Brum! (that's Birmingham to everyone not from the UK)

Colin Clarke says

Sure hope you're able to pull off the Vancouver date that would be fabulous. It's a beautiful city if a bit wet in Jan. Cheers,

Mauricio says

Here's another big fan hoping you can make the Vancouver show! Let us know if we can help in any way to get you to play here. Thanks!!!

barefootorbust says

Yeay!! You're coming back to Portland! Maybe I will actually get to see you this time. Thanks for the update.

barrymcw says

Any chances an LA date would be added to the list?

I will drive up to SF for one of the shows but LA would be a bit more convenient.


AaronP says

I'll be the third one to hope you come to Vancouver. That would be AWESOME.

Mystral721 says

Woot, Denver! I won't have to wait till PAX to see you again! Besides which, I'm a P&S virgin, as it were. Aren't there some props the audience needs to bring when seeing them, like for Rocky Horror?

Jason C. Brand says

I'll see you either January 17th or 18h (or both!) Can't wait...

Ryan says

Sold! See you at the Aladdin.

loof says

I'l like to second the request for an LA date. I might try to hit up the Boston date as well if I'm around that weekend.

warcorp says

I was hoping to see a Hawaiian venue in there...crapola...

Kate says

Woohoo! Your first trip to DC since I moved down here (alas, one of the things I miss about New York is the availability of JoCo shows) and it's the weekend of my birthday! Must be fate.

Deuce says

Thanks to Eventful, I was already notified of your Seattle show, and bought a couple tickets midstage! Can't wait to see the show, I'm sure you guys will rock! (as always ;P)

MitchO says

I think the last Highline show proved that NYC is capable of having a two show weekend like San Fran is getting.

Yes, I'm greedy; why do you ask?

whall says

Oooh, I have a feeling that this DVD sounds tasty and won't stink, you see?

This comment brought to you by all five of my senses.

elliomeg says

Already bought my Seattle tickets, but would love to see you at home in Vancouver!!!

:D :D :D

(Now I've got one, possilby two, things to look forward to in the west coast's cold, dark, post-Christmas season!!)

Roman V. says

I took look forward to the DVD.

On a side note, JoCo, have you seen this blog post from Paul and Storm:

He already knows about your song, as per I hope they told him you were the guy... though the fact that the formula describes a different set may not go over well, who knows.

Geoff says

Denver FINALLY! I am looking forward to seeing the artist that made me pick up my guitar again after 25 years! The Soiled Dove is an excellent venue also - great acoustics.

Ernastrutuk Weatherby says

A book tour with Hodgman? Does that mean there will be another audiobook and another literary theme song?

Also, I must now try to get to Vancouver.

Angela says

Will the Portland show be 21+? I know the Aladdin generally sticks to that crowd... hope not! my boyfriend is 20 until 4 days after the show!

AJS says

Portland is all ages!

vagabondmonk says

Make it three begging for L.A. between San Francisco and Vancouver...


AJS says

LA will not happen at that time. Sorry.

Shaun says

ZOMG YES!!! Yay Vancouver show!! Can we pre-order tickets to it??

AJS says

Anyone wanting a Vancouver show should send an email (short, sweet, and courteous) to:

A promoter who wants to do the show there, but is moving a little slowly.
Unleash the hounds!

sevinPackage says

I just finished buying a set of tickets for the show at the Moore in Seattle. This will be the fourth time seeing JoCo, the third time enjoying P&S, and the third venue with which to take it all in. I can't wait!

As little as I like Ticketmaster, I couldn't resist.
See you in January, guys!

Secundus says

AHHHH! Vancouver! YES! Here's major hope that you're able to pull off this show! Can't wait! :D

Kat says

Never too tired to keep going! So excited you're coming back to the DC area! And heck, I've never been to Annapolis, maybe February's a good time for a day trip. I might just have to get all fangirly on your ass and hit up both of those shows... who knows when you'll make it back this way again, right? :D

Andrew Ferguson says

I am going to be at the Vancouver show, hells yes!

Braden says


I've been looking forward to a Vancouver show! Thanks for not forgetting us!

Sean L. says

Yes! Boston! Whoo!

Jenna says

Why no Florida dates? :(

Chris says

Don't forget to show the Midwest a little love.. we'd love for you to stop by in Kansas City. You've got a lot of fans here!

Luke M says

See you Jan. 17!

Chris Hartzog says

Woo Hoo - Seattle! I will be buying tickets soon. Can't wait to see you. You must be a very brave man to come to Seattle in January.

Tartychops says

Sorry to hear you had to switch Oxford but it works in my favour, you shoulda come to Brum in the first place! First stop Glee Club, next stop NEC! Now I've got to see if I can still get some Neon Neon tickets on the 10th Nov :P

Byron says

Vancouver? Really? Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease...
*ahem* Anyway, I would love to see you. Lets hope this works out :D

Rez says

I hope you make it back to the Twin Cities sometime soon! I know we were lucky to get two shows within five months of each other, but you have a ton of fans here...

Erin says

I'm SO happy you're coming back to San Francisco!! I'll definitely be getting me some tickets!

Nse Birch says

Hurrah for a Vancouver show, here's another one hoping it happens.

Suffix says

Vancouver! oh for the love of all thats right and good in the world... Please!

Ive got to be there. please please please.

Pinual says

Denver! Picked up 4 tickets first thing Monday. Looking forward to it!

H. Nelson says

So very much looking forward to a Vancouver show. Please say it's true. That's on my birthday and it would be ever so great.

Kathy says

Yay, can't wait til the 24th! By the way, if you want to pick up some sympathy with us Dubliners, it may be good to know that Dublin is notoriously lacking in Ikea. The nearest one is in Belfast and the Dublin one has been planned here for years and years and is still currently stuck due to administration red tape... A kind word for the meatball-deprived masses!

David H says

Bah! Bummer about no LA shows. Oh well, next stop San Fransisco!

Chris Hartzog says

OK dude - I now have your Seattle tickets in hand. says center balcony is the best view and most comfortable, so that is where I'll be. See you at the Moore in rainy January!

Dethe Elza says

Can't wait to hear confirmation of your Vancouver show!

Stephen Cosgrove says

Booked for the Dublin show, can't wait!

Andrew says

Oh,man I can’t go to the one at the birchmere because It’s on Friday( I am jewish) And I can’t go to the one in Annapolis because I am under 21!

PS i posted this in event detail as well

Walin says

There are 60 demands in Louisville, Kentucky for you.

Please? Just for us? One night as you roll through? Or maybe schedule an overlay at the airport for a few hours and we'll come to you. I will gladly pay one American dollar directly into your hands. I will even provide the guitar.

Conner says

Any chance the Northampton, MA area would be one of those book tour stops? Loved catching you both @ the Book Mill in Montague.

Pick a venue, we'll fill it.

Joey Buzzsaw says

Hey, JoCo, I'm in the Hartford area, do you have any plans on coming to the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville? :D

Jeff Vlasov says

Jon!!! PLEASE COME TO TORONTO! I love your music and i can guarantee my girlfriend and i would both come to your show, and probably encourage over 10 friends to tag along! :D

Jes-ka says

Oh, thank you THANK YOU for playing in SF the day before my birthday. I cannot wait!!!!!!!

Doug Connors says

Looking forward to seeing you in Dublin. Any backstage passes for ex Bacon band geeks?

Law says

Can't wait to see you in Manchester =D

Chris Woods says

Looking forward to Friday night in Dublin, managed to bring along some work buddies and none-work buddies.

Liz C. says

I bought my tickets to the Denver show two weeks ago, but then I saw in Entertainment Weekly: Battlestar Galactica- last half of season 4 premieres on Friday, Jan. 16, at 10 p.m. Oh no, it's like a geek Sophie's Choice.

AJS says

"Oh no, it’s like a geek Sophie’s Choice."

What self-respecting geek wouldn't have a DVR????

Heidi Nelson says

Is the Vancouver show confirmed yet?

JoCo says

Heidi: not yet. :(