Len’s Washy Ad Jeffy

By JoCo June 16, 2008

Len sent in this Washy Ad Jeffy poster – Coolidge kind of looks like Hodgman, don’t you think? And check out the X’s in Harrison’s eyes…

Washy Ad Jeffy


Len says

Hodgman in 20 years maybe. But yes, I can see the resemblance. I need to go back and redraw a few of these. I'm not happy with Bush Sr., Ike and Nixon. Strangely enough, the presidents with the mustaches and mutton chops look pretty good.

Janet says

Great job (again!) from the Lenster!! I wanna know -- does this guy stay up all night with a pencil in his hand, or is it just genius?

Adam N. says

It's a stretch, but Coolidge does look a little like Hodgeman.

Brian V says

Love the picture of Roosevelt myself, such a fantastic looking stache'!

JY says

Now, I don't suppose it would be possible to write a follow up song to help people FORGET about some of the modern day Presidents. ;-)

Roman V says

I definitely see the resemblance.

Len says

Oops. I made a change and the photo disappeared. :(

Here is the new link:


Jen says

I think Wilson was always clean-shaven, and Taft was the last 'stache in office.

Len says

Purchase a print of this image here:


A portion of the proceeds go to Joco. :)

CarrieP says

Let me start by saying I love this. I've got a low-quality printout for my "Wall of Justice" (which includes the Bill of Rights), and I may pay for a better copy.

However--it's probably just me--but "Bush" doesn't look much like Bush. He looks a little like Obama, actually. How wierd is that?

CarrieP says

Ah. I see you have changed the image on the high-quality print. Much better likeness of "Bush." The wrinkles help a ton.

Yep, I'm definitely paying for a copy of this. If only my husband were a history teacher rather than a science teacher! Ah well.

Tindómiel says

Dang howdy, Len, you're fast! I am diggin' Teddy Roosevelt and McKinley.