Cinci, Columbus, Pittsburgh

By JoCo June 9, 2008

Three great shows – not the many-numbered throngs I am used to in coastal cities, but enthusiastic nonetheless. Plus, there was at least one boob signing opportunity, which really when you think about it is sort of what rock and roll is all about. Many thanks to everyone who came out to see us – if you’ve got set lists or photos, remember the wiki is always ready to gratefully receive your informations.

NYC is next on the 21st – I hear the place is sold out of actual seats, so it’s SRO from here on out. Don’t delay!

Also, it’s hot here!


Doug says

Great Columbus show JoCo. You, Paul, and Storm have great harmony. Creepy Doll was better than the original. Come back soon.

CountryMouse says

I can't remember when I've had more fun at a concert! Thanks for the show at the 20th Century Theater in Cincinnati! It was *wonderful*!!!

P.S. I don't have all your CDs yet, but I will! :-)

Brian says

"Plus, there was at least one boob signing opportunity, which really when you think about it is sort of what rock and roll is all about."

Pics or it didn't happen. ;)

Scott says

Awesome show in Pittsburgh, can't wait for you to come back.

jmonkee9 says

"Plus, there was at least one boob signing opportunity...."

We definitely need to hear more about this, Jonathan!

SevinPackage says

Opportunity taken, or opportunity missed? Inquiring minds would like to know!

Monkey Shines has been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it. Whether you win or lose, you certainly brought the Fu! Great job!

(a different) Scott says

I also had a blast at the Cinci show! I know the venue/audience maybe was a little strange (everyone seated and no chance for an encore), but don't let that keep ya from coming back - we all had a great night!!

Besides, there's bound to be more boobs next time :)

IndigoMonkey says

Yeah..and this boob signing.. was it at the Pittsburgh show or one of the others?

I have a friend who was at the Pgh show. I may never look at her the same way again. :)

Bloody P says

Hey Jonathan,

Just thought you'd like to know that my 4 year old just told me that if he ever got on American Idol, he would sing "I'm Your Moon".

The kid LOVES that tune.

Danbtherockstar says

Great Show in Cincy! It was a blast! Sooooo many cool things that night! Including the surprise of Birdhouse in Your Soul (very popular on vid on Youtube by the way!) Hope to see all of you guys back here real soon!!

Encubed says

That was a great show in Pittsburgh, my videos will be up soon!

In the meantime, check out the post-concert "Press Conference" and a mini-interview with Sporksmith and Blackcatbonifide, creators of the I Feel Fantastic live action music video.

Encubed says
Melissa says

Hmm..I have a first hand report that boobs (both of them) were signed at the Cincy show..they weren't mine but I did witness it.

Sniffit says

Concert in Cincinnati was outstanding. Everyone in our group had a wonderful time. We join the others who want you all to come back to our city!

My friend made an audio recording of the concert. A link to download that is on the shows page for Cincinnati on Wiki. It's an excellent recording.

Leanne Heller says

Here is the real question- did you take advantage of said boob signing opportunity? :-P

PsychoPez says

Awesome show at Pittsburgh!

Shannon says

Awesome show in Columbus. Thanks for making it over this way!

Gracita says

Here's a few pictures I took at the Cincinnati show. Some of them are a little blurry since it was pretty dark in there and I was a little far from the stage, but it was great fun nonetheless! I even got to take a pic with JoCo!!! He definitely needs to come back to this neck of the woods someday... and bring Paul and Storm with him, they're hilarious :)


Nice job Gracita! Jon is definitely glowing after signing your boobs.

john d'arc says

Since it's so hot in NYC, I hope JoCo plays some Xmas music. Xmas is Interesting?

Jim Cropcho says

Great show in Columbus, Jon! Please, come back soon, man. Maybe for me, wearing your T-shirt will yield some boob-signing opportunities!

Gromit Roberts says

I hope the "not the many-numbered throngs I am used to" refers to just the small size of the venues and not thin crowds because I wanted to go to the Pittsburgh show but Club Cafe told me it was sold out. Come back again soon!

Kiloburn says

If I could have escaped my cousin's wedding, I would have been at the C-Bus show! CURSES! You'll just have to come back!

Cori says

My husband and I drove a hundred miles to see the Columbus show (he was the one who requested "Mr. Fancy Pants" when you asked for a sad song,) and it was totally worth the drive. We sang all the way home. Awesome show, and we will definitely be there again next time you're in the area!

Andy says

yep - loved the cinci show - I'm even in the background of gracie's boob signing - as you can tell I was a gentleman and looked away (or missed it)

Aaron says

To be fair, the Pittsburgh show was at maximum capacity AFAIK. It was definitely crowded in there!

Hopefully next time you come you can get a bigger venue - I think it'll definitely sell out.

Kory says

Hey man, I heard great things about the Pittsburgh show, but next time please try to get it at a location that's 18+ and not 21+. I was gonna bring about 10 friends to the show, but we're all 18, 19, and 20, so we couldn't get tickets to Club Cafe.

Looking forward to you coming back, was really bummed that I couldn't get into the concert. :(

OZ says

Agreed -- The Pittsburgh show was fantastic, and that was without my "concert is fantastic pill." :)

Come back soon!

LAly says

Pittsburgh was awesome ... the most fun I've had in ages! Definitely worth the 4.5 hour drive!

Ed says

whimper... Been hoping you'd come to Cinti forever and did the whole Eventful thing... yet managed to be completely unaware there was a show here! nooooo!

Chris says

The Columbus show was amazing. You have easily shot up to the top of the list of my favorite musicians to see live.

My daughter loved the autographed picture of you.