Show Stuff

By JoCo June 4, 2008

You may have already received one erroneous email about this, and then a second one that is slightly more correct (but still probably erroneous in some way).

Here is what’s coming (Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, all this week!):

Thursday June 5 at 8 PM
20th Century Theater (Cincinnati, OH)
With Paul and Storm, All Ages
Tickets: at box office or (513) 731-8000

Friday June 6 at 9 PM
CBR’s (Columbus, OH)
With Paul and Storm, 18+, Jello wrestling unlikely
Tickets: at box office only

Saturday June 7 at 7 PM
Club Cafe (Pittsburgh, PA)
With Paul and Storm, 21+

Saturday June 21 at 7:30 PM
Highline Ballroom (NYC)
With Paul and Storm, All Ages

Wednesday July 9, 8 PM
Lula Lounge (Toronto, ON)
With Paul and Storm, 19+

Thursday July 10 at 8 PM
The Crofoot (Pontiac, MI)
With Paul and Storm, All Ages


Friday July 11 at 7 PM
Beachland Ballroom (Cleveland, OH)
With Paul and Storm, All Ages



Frederick Heath-Renn says

Should we conclude that Jello wrestling is likely at all shows other than the Columbus one?

And in other news, yay Columbus! Not because I live there (I don't), just because it's... you know... Columbus.

Demetrius says

AAAAAaaaaaiiighuughhhrrrrnnnnnng!! I won't be able to make it to the Columbus show! AGAIN!!! Curse you Universe!!! Curse YOOOUUU!!

But, I'll have some Jello and incessantly hum JoCo songs. Although it won't be the same...

Marcy says

Hey JoCo...when is the Dallas show? ;p

Axel says

Eh. Toronto's closer, in any case.

Ann says

D'oh, I'll be in NJ the week before the NYC show. So much for giving my sister an incredibly easy b-day present.

Colleenky says

Glad to see that you're feeling better, Dr. Coulton. :-)

SevinPackage says

Wow, three shows in Ohio cities that start with C!
Washington has some cities that start with C, like Centralia, Chehalis, Carnation, Chelan... but they're probably not as fun as Ohio (snicker)...

M_pony says

I will be bringing a swath of my friends with me to the Toronto show. Whee!

elle says


Bob says

Come to western Michigan (Grand Rapids)! Ohio is so far...

Roman V. says

@elle: YES! I can't wait. I'm bringing people.

Encubed says

Hooray, I'm seeing the Pittsburgh and Toronto shows (the Toronto one will be my birthday celebration too), this will be an awesome summer!

Erik says

This is me angry.

Pontiac is under 30 mins from where I live, but I'll be in London at the time.

Curses, I say. CURSES!!!

Everyone sell out these shows, so JoCo will come back. Do it for the children! Or if not them, do it for me.

Matt says

Another flip movie, please.

Jen™ says

FINALLY. Thank you. I live five minutes from Cincinnati. If the gas prices weren't so high, I would follow you to Columbus and then go to Cleveland too. I LOVE the Beachland Ballroom!

D.J. Sylvis says

Yes! Now, as long as the airlines don't align themselves against us, there'll finally be a Toronto JC show!

Dale says

Yay, JoCo in Toronto, my world is now complete!

Northman says

Finally JoCo has come to Canada!

I for one welcome our new overlord.

AJS says

"Come to western Michigan (Grand Rapids)! Ohio is so far…"

Uh, Bob, isn't maybe Pontiac a little closer? Like about two hours from you?

Frederick Heath-Renn says

Did you say overlord? You mean protector.

I'm still waiting for him to get round to doing a gig in Antarctica.

Dale says

Just a heads-up for Toronto concert goers. After being a bit confused and sending some emails to Scarface, I have determined that if you want to both have dinner and do the concert at the Lula lounge, you have to both reserve a table at the dinner link and pick up a ticket at the ticket link. Despite some confusion on their website dinner reservations do not ensure you have a ticket to the show.

Cheers, and see you there,

Darias says


This is how much JoCo means to me: I ditched out on my raid group in WoW to go to the Columbus show:

I have no clue how much tickets/cover is, but if there's a chance to go, I'm gonna go. Hugs to you guys and all, but it's JONATHAN-FRIGGIN-COULTON! (OK, where are those anti-fanboy pills? I knew I left them around here somewhere...)
Seriously, if I can arrange ticketing to go see this, I'm going to try to go as I've been putting notes on the requested venues site for over a year. Would be so wrong to miss it.

Doors open at 7pm at the CBR, and tickets are ONLY at the door. I'm gonna aim for 5:30/6pm to be sure I get tickets. Anyone have any experience getting tickets for as show there?

Scott says

Any JoCo fans in Pittsburgh that need a ticket I have a spare one that I am willing to part with at less than face value. if you are interested,

James says

Finally JoCo comes to Pittsburgh already bought 3 tickets can't wait till saturday.

Jack F says

I've lived in Pennsylvania for many years, and I'm still not convinced that Pittsburgh is in PA. So don't worry, JoCo. You may be right - it may be in New York.

Micah says

Come to Tulsa, Oklahoma. You can stay with me. No charge. I'll even be your driver to and from places.

I've tried to get something going on Eventful but not enough people are actually hooked up on that site. I know I have personally infected about 20 people with your wonderful music. So I am sure its growing.

Yeah come here...

Please... I love you... In a manly sort of way.

Liza LS says

Whoo-hooo! I just bought my tickets for the Pontiac gig. Thanks for making a stop in Michigan!


Tim says

I just got an email saying that JoCo is coming to the New Media Expo in Las Vegas to be part of the "Coverville 500" show the evening of Aug 15. Ticket information here:

Damon says

Just got back from the Columbus show. JoCo used a cool instrument to play Mr. Fancy Pants and he got a great response from Creepy Doll.

Darias says

Future man says...what are pills? Epic man, epic.

I am also now officially a Paul & Storm fan as well. My face hurt from laughing so hard. I now have a lot of YouTube digging to do. :)

Unbelievable show, well worth the wait to catch JoCo in Columbus. While I was denied first-in-line geek rights, it was a great night. CBR's pours a good drink, the crowd was a good size, and my buddy and I had a ball.

On top of all of it: JoCo signed my monkey's butt.

Darias says

Oh, and to the guy who was doing video of the show (and consequently both the Cinci show the night before and Pitt the next day), please please PLEASE be sure to post the YouTube links for all to see.

Damn my crappy camera and it's over consumption of battery life!

Marty says

Thanks so much for coming to Pittsburgh, Jonathan! The show was an absolute blast.

Please come back soon. I'm sure we could fill up a much larger venue for you. :)

CupcakeAndTea says

I am going to try my very hardest to come to Toronto this is unbelievable i must meet ou and thank you ^^

CupcakeAndTea says

ah yes sorry double post -_-' but i m ade a facebook event group for the show in toronto in hopes to meet other joco fans ^^

Bretticus says

JoCo in Toronto! Very excited, bought tickets as soon as I found out. Can't wait for this show.