Midwest = Midtastic
Minneapolis: awesome. Madison and Chicago: also awesome. And all sold out! What are you people doing?
Thanks everyone for another great couple of shows. This week is resting week for old JoCo, which means upgrading WordPress, accounting, maybe a little Halo 3. And of course I’ll be preparing for the next stretch of shows at the end of next week, which is Phoenix, San Diego and LA.
In the meantime, maybe you should read the blog of a real rock star, John Roderick of The Long Winters, who is so rock and roll that he is missing a front tooth.
Speedy says
What are we doing? Making sure you come back.
Steve Dembo says
Thanks for coming to Chicago! Enjoyed the show greatly and look forward to many more. Love to play Halo against you sometime :) Willing to share your GamerTag?
mcm says
Cannot begin to tell you how excited I was when you did "Curl" as an encore at the Chicago show (and, yes, I was one of the three people in the house who have, in fact, curled). Thanks for an amazing show!!!
three08 says
duuuude! grand theft auto 4! come onnnnn!
besides, folks in the midwest / great plains are used to driving hours and hours and hours to do stuff - everything's too spread out in that part of the country. if i'd been living within like four hours of either show i would of totally gone.
Herb says
The line outside at the Chicago show was pretty long. In fact there were people walking by asking what show we were there for, because they had never seen a crowd like that at the Lakeshore Theater. Great show!
john d'arc says
pssh, did he lose the tooth moonsaulting into an empty pool?
Bry says
JoCopedia, the Jonathan Coulton wiki, is still on the lookout for Minneapolis and Madison setlists (or even if you remember some more songs that were played) -- if you have any of this info, please, please head over to
and help us out. Thanks!
ariel says
you are precious, like a delicate flower. enjoy the recuperating.
when this tour is over, will there be more jonathan coulton for the masses? a thing a month project? a new craft section, where instead of writing songs you do macaroni collages of werewolves? perhaps you will sell your used clothing like a japanese high-schooler? make a hip-hop album and team up with leslie hall?
i'm just brainstorming for fun, no pressure. maybe i will do all of the above before you get a chance to.
Brie says
That rickroll at the Minnesota show was so damn funny. Laughed my ass off when I saw it on YouTube.
Jeff Fardink says
Halo 3? What is your gamertag JoCo? By the way, the new map "Avalanche" is so bad-ass.
Jen says
Thanks for coming back to Chicago! We will come see you anytime you are in town. I especially liked your slowed down rendition of Code Monkey. I can't wait to hear you do "Under the Pines" and "You're My Moon" live. Keep up the good work, JoCo!
John Roth says
I saw you in Madison. I bought a shirt and a CD and you signed my shirt... I was the very drunk guy who said we looked like each other. I don't even know why I was so drunk, I barely drank anything... anyways, they sold me a womens large! I didn't even realize until a few days later because I left the morning after the show... now I have to find some girl who wants a signed JoCo shirt.... :/ Please play here again so I can get a shirt the correct size! I promise I won't harass you again... quite so severely. <_<
Otherwise that was a fucking awesome show.
Midwifemonkey says
*snuggles up to John Roth, buys him a beer, and bats eyelashes while looking very JoCo T-shirtless*
Demetrius says
If Midwest = Midtastic, does that mean Fans = Fantastic? Come on... You can be honest.
Kayla says
Halo 3, huh? What game types do you usually play? I'm a big Team Slayer, Team Doubles and Team SWAT person myself (especially now that they've added SWAT as a permanent playlist :D).
Stephen H. says
Thanks for coming to Chicago! It was a fantastic show.
Dustin says
The show was fantastic, man. I had such a great time. We did a lot of stuff that weekend, but your concert was most definitely the highlight.
Thanks for signing my shoe. ;)
Dr. Strohs says
Ummm....thanks a giant flying leaping flaming pant-load for doing mid-west shows without hitting Ohio.
I'm so upset that I have resorted to verbal irony to express my chagrin.
That is all.
Gingerlink says
I would love to introduce you to a lovely little thing on halo 3 called grifball, if you feel like relaxing and hitting things with hammers.
Gamertag: Gingerlink, if you're interested ;) (worth a try, of course this goes out to anyone else reading this too)
Audrey says
Never gonna give you.... pants!
ConfusedOO says
I just want to hear the song about the Pirates vs. the Wolves. C'mon, we need more content! :)
Sam says
Rickrolled by JoCo (Madison edition)! Oh, the ignominy.
I'm sorry now I made Paul give you back your Milk Duds. Especially since you stole his guitar when you left the stage!
TanyaD says
I loved the show! To be honest, I'd not heard of you till my friend told me about the spare ticket she had and that you did the song from Portal. I'm really glad she took me!
Awesome show, looking forward to seeing you here in Chicago the next time around.
Jim says
I was at the Chicago show with friends. Not only did we get to see great performances from Paul and Storm and JoCo, but after the show, when we were scoping out merchandise and waiting for autographs, Len came back and told us that we could get into the next show with our existing ticket stubs.
The next show was a series of stand-up comedians, the last of whom was Robin Williams. He wasn't billed. Even the people who bought tickets to that show didn't know he was going to be there. So when he walked out, the crowd went nuts.
Seeing Robin was fun for the sake of seeing Robin, but he wasn't at his best, and truth be told, I rather more enjoyed Paul and Storm and JoCo. But it was all fun nonetheless. And all for a $25 ticket. Can't beat that.
Dana W says
I was back in the hospital the next day, but it was so worth it!