SF Show Sold Out

By JoCo January 24, 2008

Wowie. This means it will be a full house, which is fantastic for me, and bad for you if you haven’t yet bought tickets. Thank you, mysterious 400 or so people. It’s going to be an awesome show, and it will live forever on Digital Video Disk.

I’m going to do some recording tomorrow I think (unless something stops me, which could very easily happen).


Sobachatina says

I've been dying to hear the new song. I hope nothing stands in your way.

Congratulations on the sold out show. Come back to Austin and I'll contribute 2 people to selling that show out.

Seg says

Well, that settles the conflict I had. Your concert is the same night and time as the Video Games Live concert happing at Nob Hill Masonic Center. A really hard decision I don't have to make! :/

So... second night performance in SF? Please?

chris says

Yeah ... JON. I'm missing Video Games Live for you! This time I better see more then a tiny bit of underw... WOOOH what am I saying?!?

.... Yarrr ....

Joel says

Digital Versatile Disk.

You would think its Video.

Ceridwyn says

Hate to get nitpicky Chris, but since no-one actually knows what it stands for, so even Deer-Velvet Dictophone would be correct :)


Grats on the sell out show! Tres jealous of all these US dwelling types who can see you live!!!

(eep my first comment and its a hair-splitter =S )

Ceridwyn says

Whoops, sorry not Chris, Joel!


Molly says

Sweep down through LA again while you're on this coast, eh?

alice says

I'm guessing people going to GDC figured out you were playing at the same time.

jesss says

Well, if you are going to swing down to LA, you should then turn around and come up north to Portland (or Seattle, I'm not picky). I'm sure I could sell at least 10 tickets in Seattle, especially if you go back to the Triple Door

Congratulations on selling out :)

Mr.Nobody says

awwww.... I guess I'm out of luck...

Hepcat says

Congratulations on the sell-out crowd! That should be some fun.

Just want to say my recommendation of flying screaming slingshot monkeys (and offer of my extra FSSM) still stands. Saw Emmylou Harris, Shawn Colvin, Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller in Milwaukee, and they are traveling with three flying screaming slingshot monkeys. It's clearly the thing to do if you're a superstar doing a largely acoustic tour.

You could go them one better by actually having the nerve to fly yours. They were content with the screaming part.

Colleenky says

I could get behind a flying monkey-slingshot that *didn't* scream. :-) [Speaking as someone who has a screaming monkey-slingshot in the house.]

selene says

woo-hoo!!! it sucks for me, why do i have to live in houston tx? anyway i'll be waiting on the dvd!!! i'm so happy for u!!!!!

roscivs says

Nobody's yet pointed out that it's disc, not disk?! They're very different things, I promise! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelling_of_disc)

Anyway, we've got our tickets and will be flying in the night before. (We're also responsible for a total of six of those tickets, so if you're one of those unfortunate people who procrastinated a little too long, blame us!)

Sierra says

Aw crap, I'm out of luck. :(

Ben McGraw says

So, will we have to bribe you for specific songs, or should we just hoot "Mandelbrot!!!" during the encore?

randal says

Ooo, look--a reference in xkcd.

Thanks to that, "GLaDOS" is like #15 in Google Hot Trends today (it was higher).

Your tentacles are slowly entwining everything.

AverageJon says

Oh great. Every time I find hot new artist that nobody knows about he gets all famous and sells out.

So did you get the marching band for the show? Are they looking for a kazoo player?

Matt Walton says

Oh for a teleporter, I'd be queuing already. I don't care about not having a ticket, I'd have a teleporter, I'm sure I could trade it for one and a flight home again.

Can't wait to see the DVD - I hope it will be available to download as well from somewhere.

Bucky Starr, Spaced Cadet says

OMG! OK, Scalpers DO YOUR WORST! I NEED tickets! I can't give you my first born male child as I NEED to take him to this show but anything else. ex-wife, Dog, kidneys...E-MAIL ME!!!

Luke M says

kerrin in the forums points out that the video will look even cooler if we have a lot of people wearing JoCo apparel, so if you're going to the show, now's the time to buy that cool t-shirt you've had your eye on. (Check the store on this site, and there are also some designs by Len on Zazzle.com.)

Danny says

Damn! I'm glad you sold lots of tickets but bummed that I won't be able to get tickets.

Martha says

The tickets may have lasted a little longer than they would have. Great American Music Hall sold however many they planned to sell on their site; then they put a link to tickets.com, with the instruction that if there weren't any tickets there, it meant the show was sold out.

I already had mine but I was curious, so earlier this week I typed "jonathan coulton" into tickets.com's search, and was told they had no such concert available. But for some reason I tried just "coulton". Ah! John Coulton was playing GAMH in February, tickets available!

Plus the webmaster link at tickets.com wasn't working. I emailed GAMH and got an "Oh my god! We'll get that fixed!" email from them the next day.

So if any of you got your tickets from tickets.com in the last couple of days, thank the poor sad people who gave up when "jonathan coulton" produced no concert hits--

SaintPeter says

Howdy all -
I've got my ticket for the show, but it looks like I'm the only one from my group of friends going. My wife wasn't interested (and is 7 months pregnant to boot) either. This will be my first JoCo show, and it sure seems like it would be more fun with a group. I'm looking for some folks to hang out with before/during the show.

About me:
I'm a 33 year old Electrical Engineer. I'm also a PC gamer and lifelong geek. My friends seem to think I'm a fun guy, and they don't freak out too much when I sing in public. I don't drink or smoke (although I'm not sanctamonious about it). I live in the Sacramento area and will be driving down the day of the show.

If you wouldn't mind a fifth wheel to your gang of geeks, drop me a line at:
rex AT schraders.org

Colleenky says

SaintPeter: You should get on the forums here. :-)

SaintPeter says

@ Colleenky
*smacks forehead*

I'll do that, thanks!

Oded Sharon says

I'm Oded, from Israel. I happen to be in town for GDC and Wondercon, and I heard about this concert and got excited, but then got very disappointed for not being able to buy tickets...
Should anyone have an extra ticket to sell me, I would appreciate an email
jctkt _at- odedsharon.com


JP says

Is there any chance of a second date being added?

If so, please email me at the address that will not be published.


K says

If anyone's interested, I'm scalping one ticket. It's only me going, so don't bother if you're not going to be good company.

Requirements: $50, and be pretty cool.

K says

Oh, right.. e-mail: expendablele@yahoo.com

poh says

I'm looking to buy 2 tickets: pohsyb@yahoo.com