Midwest Shows This Week

By JoCo December 4, 2007

In case you missed the mailing list email AND the previous post about this, I’m doing a few shows in the midwest end of this week with Paul and Storm. This will be the last bit of touring before the new year, so I promise to kick out all the jams.

Thursday December 6 at 8 PM
Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, MN
Venue: http://www.varsitytheater.org/
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/33ez3s

Friday December 7 at 7:30 PM
Majestic Theater in Madison, WI
Venue: http://majesticmadison.com/
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/2lzhlm

*****TWO SHOWS*******
Saturday December 8 at 7:30 PM and 10:30 PM
Schuba’s Tavern in Chicago, IL
Venue: http://www.schubas.com/
Tickets: http://www.schubas.com/tickets.aspx (scroll down)

Sunday December 9 at 8 PM
Blueberry Hill in St. Louis, MO
Venue: http://www.blueberryhill.com/
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/2n854r

See you in the audience…


Shruti says

I'm so sorry. Any other Saturday I'd be at the Chicago show, but my Arabic final's on Sunday morning, and it's a five-hour drive between school and Chicago, and I don't think this is really feasible...


Chris says

What's the average turnout for these shows? We'd like to go, but we'd rather buy tickets at the door instead of paying an extra 30% to Ticketmaster, but we don't want to miss out if it's sold out.

Chris says

(Specifically, the Minneapolis show.)

JoCo says

@Chris: I'm not sure about Minneapolis, I've never played there before...

Daniel says

w00t! I'm psyched for the Madison show!

Stepper says

I am very pumped you're coming to Mpls. I can't wait to hear "Curl" and then scream like a 12 year-old when you mention the Cold in Minnesota! Fun times! We'll be at the bar after the show if you need a beer...

Enterthewumpus says

I want to go to the Blueberry Hill show really badly, but I am only 18. Any chance that you would come back to Saint Louis at another venue?

Chris says

I don't suppose there is any chance of a stop in Kansas City in the future?

Kevin says

I always thought those places were the mideast ........

Dave D says

Thrilled you are coming to Saint Louis. Bought my tickets a week or two ago!

I hereby request that the debut live performance of "My Beige Bear" occur at the Saint Louis concert.

If you want to perform a few songs before the show (perhaps for fans under age 21), there is a legendary record store (Vintage Vinyl) a couple of doors down from the venue that I'm sure would be happy to give you some space...

SirRockford says

I'm really looking forward to the Chicago show. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to hear "Still Alive".

Paul W. says

We still need a Michigan show at some point, unless you've had one and I've missed it. These are close, but I've got finals next week and I can't make a four or five hour drive in each direction when I've got classes going on still. >_

PonderousMan says

I am also majorly psyched for the Madison show, it should be a most awesome time!

Speaking of "Curl", it turns out we have a major Curling center right here in Madison, which has been the site of the National Curling Championships several times in the past.

JoCo, you should definitely check out:


In particular, take a look at the "Special Activities" under the "Schedule and Events" section - they have "Pick Up Curling" on Saturday mornings!

Just think, you and Paul and Storm could do a little curling on the way down to Chicago...!

Zac says

I'm excited to hear Mr. Fancy Pants with the new instrument you bought. You didn't have it the last time you were in Madison. This venue is bigger than the last one you were in too. At this rate, you'll be playing in stadiums in 5 years!

Susan says

I am so excited, I've been out of town the last few times you've been in Chicago. Can't believe I finally get to see the magic happen live. And, it's my brithday weekend, so happy birthday to me. See you at the 7:30 show!

Rob (not the boring manager one) says

I'm with Chris! Kansas City wants a heaping helping on JoCo!!!

Oromin says

Oh, I wish you were coming to Madison a week later! I made it to your show there in May (even though I had my AP Macroconomics exam the next morning!), but I'll still be in school (waaayyy out in the boonies of SW Florida) until next Thursday. But if your trend of coming to Madison every 6 or 7 months continues, I should be just fine for the next concert, I hope! I'll just have to tell all my friends to show up instead this week.

Brian says

Can't tell you how happy to see you coming to Minneapolis. Finally! Yay! It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. =)

Ryan says

Did you know Neil Gaiman listens to your music?


jesss says

Thanks for the link Ryan. It's like a convergence of perfect things!

Rob (not the boring manager one) says

Kansas City has a Johnson County...also known as JoCo. Get a gig there and bill it as JoCo in JoCo lol

CarrieP says

So close, yet so far away. Have a great Midwest set, and sorry about the snow!

Chris says

Yes, JoCo in JoCo would be a great tag line. Hell, a concert in nearby Lawrence, KS (home to KU) would work, even.

Ryan says

Cincinnati, JoCo? Any chance in the future?

Carrie says

Sigh, next time you're only 4 hours away from me in a concert, give me more of a heads up and not at finals time! (Or, you could just swing four hours south to Sioux Falls and do a quick show there before heading to Chicago-11 hours away...!)

PonderousMan says

The only complaint - or perhaps rather, fear - I have about the Madison show is that I haven't seen a whole lot of press. Of course, Paul and Storm *were* on Bob & Tom this week, so that should help bring their fans (of which there are quite a number in Madison)... but at the very least you did get plugged in one of the comics in the student newspaper...


In the future, I'd strongly recommend taking out some ads in local papers, even above and beyond whatever the actual venue does - especially in college towns.

That said, for all I know the show is already sold out... but if so I expect it would have been much earlier with a bit more advertising.

Jen says

SO excited about the Mpls show tonight. Ack! *runs around hitting self in head*

Levi says

I have a ticket for the St. Louis show.

Can't wait! I couldn't possibly afford PAX, so this I was thrilled to find out you'd be coming to my 'ol neck of the woods.


Erica says

For those of you trying to view that comic link posted by PonderousMan, here's a permanent link to the comic:


The BadgerHerald's system for storing comics is a stack, so none of them have a constant page.

And yes, I'm looking forward to the concert this Friday. ^_^

PonderousMan says

Thanks for sorting that out, Erica - I figured that might be the case, but didn't take the time to ponder it out...

I was at the Majestic buying still more tickets tonite (yes, I am actively recruiting here, with my two favorite acts on the same bill!), and the guy at the ticket booth says that tickets have been "selling like hotcakes"... I think it may even be possible to sell out if enough people show up to buy tickets before the show tomorrow night....

Looking forward to a wonderful show - and still hoping against hope for a Madison-ish version of Curl... (Though I will happily settle for the Fancy New Mr. Fancy Pants and the acoustic rendition of Still Alive...)

Bissrok says

Gah! I'm going to me five months too young to get into the St. Louis show. Stupid time! It's always aging me so slowly.

Giggleloop says

See you at Blueberry Hill - I'll be there! :)

Gary says

Words cannot express the sadness I feel that I am unable to make the Blueberry Hill show. So close, yet so far. Damn.

blueberry fan says

Hey! it was so great to see you and P&S tonight, you guys were great. Come again!

Levi says

Amazing show tonight. Thoroughly fun, and your cohorts were great too!



me, aka the guy w/ the 'dork' shirt, aka redfenix.