Welcome Home JoCo

By JoCo November 10, 2007

Welcome Home JoCo, originally uploaded by jcoulton.

Thanks pigeon!

That was one hell of a crowd last night in Atlanta – thank you all for making big fun. As you can see, my spirit animal was here to greet me in baggage claim at JFK, and he let me know the trip was a success by pooping on the floor when the buzzer went off and the belt started to move. I do love this town.


NateMan says

The only one to welcome you was a pigeon? sad :(

Timmy D says

The only tim I was ever at a baggage claim at JFK, I met Michelle Rodriguez there. I'm not sure, but I think that beats a pigeon.

Colin Law says

Great show in Atlanta. I was sad to not hear Chiron Beta Prime for the holidays, but the setlist had nearly everything I could want including Flickr!!

and now I really must insist that someone figure out the tab for "A Talk With George". Jonathan...hook us up!

ouija repair says

Thank you for coming to Atlanta and for bringing Paul and Storm with you. What a great show. I haven't stood that long amidst strangers in one place since I renewed my driver's license, but this was definitely a happier crowd.

Kiki says

It was so great to meet you, Paul, and Storm last night. That was, by far, the best concert I've ever been to. Please tour more in the South. The crowd loved you guys.

Ryan Link says

I enjoyed the show alot last night i hope you come back again soon, and next time play Todd the T1000

Dr. J says

Great show and thanks for doing a meet-n-greet afterwards. Come back soon... ya'll.

Eric Asberry says

Loved the show last night!!! And it was great to meet you. My wife came along mostly to humor me but left a true believer. Except that she still finds the zombie song a little disturbing. You can feel honored in knowing that you are one of the very few things that I would brave downtown Atlanta traffic on a Friday for. :)

Zach Gaskins says

JoCo, you're the warrior-poet of the geek revolution! Thank you so much for the lovely tunes, especially Code Monkey, Zombie, and of course, Still Alive.

- the guy with the companion cube (now signed and not destined for euthanization!)

Dpmn says

Your spirit animal is a sky-rat?

Matt G. Leger says

You're entirely welcome; but we could not have made such big fun without you and Paul & Storm. (Well, okay, maybe we could have, but it would've been ten times harder. And not rocked nearly as much.)

We look forward to seeing more of all three of you down here in future. Speaking of which...Here's the information I promised you on GAFilk, our annual January filk music convention:
Official web site
If you thought people in last night's audience sang along with you with nice voices, wait'll you hear a whole roomful of filkers do it. Will abso-fraggin'-lutely blow your mind. (Come to think of it, you may have had a taste of that at Confluence...)

And speaking of filk, I can't believe I forgot to tell you last night about the filksong I wrote a couple months ago, as a response to "Re: Your Brains."
Re: Your Zombie Ass!
Hope you like it.

Jen says

Isn't that a line from your new song?

"Gunmetal pigeon making trouble when it should be pooping..."

Sean says

Bah, wish I could have been there! You should come to the memphis area!

Andrea says

Also welcoming you home? You're featured on YouTube again! Bonnie and Jim's awesome live action Fantastic video is on the front page.

Everybody get over there and rate up nice comments and down with spam and nasty ones (if any)!


Brian says

Hey Johnathan, your show was simply amazing! Thanks for humoring us with Still Alive (yeah I was the asshole who demanded it at the start of your set). Any chance Valve is gonna let you put out your version of it any time soon?

Luke M says

Setlist anyone? Or recordings even?

Christine says

The show was awesome. Now, you did sign that affidavit saying that you'd come back, right?

Sujin says

The show last night was fantastic! So fantastic, in fact, that my camera ran out of batteries after the Paul and Storm set and I had to run to the gas station at the corner to get some more. One of my friends came along because one of her friends was in town and wanted to go, and I think I have her hooked. Success. Hope to see you back in town in the future.

-the girl with the code monkey and epsilon greater than shirt

Joseph Devon says

It's a good thing you didn't fly into Newark International. You don't even want to know what greets you and then poops on the floor when the buzzer goes off there.

Josh West says

Thanks for the ass-slapping awesome show in Atlanta.WE had fun. You have to come visit again(and bring Ze Frank too).

Ben Ostrowsky says

Hey! Come back here!

More to the point, come back when I can afford tickets! (Yes, I know you're worth twice that price; I just didn't HAVE it.)

And pick a bigger venue, please. I'd hate to be able to afford tickets and then find that there aren't any available.

siliconchef says

The show was lots of fun. We got to relive it after looking at the four videotapes of footage shot for Yahoo at the show (damn, I have to upload that sometime this week). Just fantastic.

Luke M says

Wait, there's video for Yahoo?

Stephen Granade says

As others have said, one excellent show all around.

Paul says

Are you sure that "pigeon" wasn't a DHS drone? The pooping thing sounds like a dead giveaway to me...

Colin Law says

approximate Atlanta "5 Spot" setlist below. I have a few things out of order, but I don't think I missed any songs.

The Future Soon
Shop Vac
Skullcrusher Mountain
A Talk With George
I Crush Everything
Baby Got Back - with Paul & Storm
Tom Cruise Crazy - with Paul & Storm
Christmas Is Interesting - with Paul & Storm
Code Monkey - with Paul & Storm
Creepy Doll - with Paul & Storm
Fancy Pants (playing his Zendrum)
Mandelbrot Set
Still Alive
RE: Your Brains

Encore (with Paul & Storm)
I Feel Fantastic
Sweet Caroline

Susan the Geek says

I so wanted to come to the show on Friday, but couldn't get tickets. Please say you will come down here again! You should definitely get a bigger venue too - I know 4 or 5 more folks who wanted to go, and I am sure everyone else does too!

bschoner says

As many others have said, 'twas a great show all around. Thanks for introducing me to Paul and Storm, as well as for your own-always great tunes. Now we need to see about getting you to play Dragon*Con...

bschoner says


none says

you are creating the illusion for yourself of being talented, but you're not even a valid musician.

Demetrius says

"none Says:"

Boy... He must have really thought he'd pulled one over on us with the brilliant lyrics, great singing and wonderful instrumentals. Good thing anonymous people online are not fooled!

Demetrius says

Zombie sculptures made out of felt!

Meghan says

Atlanta show was totally worth the 7 hour drive from Orlando (I got lost at one point . . .sue me). If the Zendrum has programmable vocals . . .does that mean "When you go" could be part of a set, too? That song breaks my heart quietly every time.

Luke M says

Thanks, Colin!

Amy says

The photos I shot from the front row are here:


Included is a photo of the setlist, which should answer the setlist questions.

Photos are Creative Commons if anyone gets inspired...

Jonathan (but not THE Jonathan) says

Fantastic show in Atlanta. We had a great time, even though crowd playfulness was at times a bit . . . overzealous. Jonathan, Paul and Storm never let that get out of hand, though. Loved the chance to hear "Still Alive," and the Zendrum was wonderfully surreal.

sporksmith says

Thanks Andrea :). Most of the youtube comments have been positive, though we have been trying to weed out the spam and the worst of the trolling.

JP says

Hey, be happy your spirit animal wasn't flying over your head. :)

Gavin P says

I was also disappointed that we missed out on Chiron Beta Prime but I also wanted to hear Kennesaw Mountain Landis, (we were 20 miles south of Kennesaw Mountain after all) and bunches of other songs.

Downtym says

Come back to Atlanta as soon as you can! Best show in years!