Things Coming Up

By JoCo June 17, 2007

Just an update on some things in the pipeline. First the stuff I know for sure:

Thursday 6/21:
I’ll be a guest at Dave Hills’ “The Dave Hill Explosion” at UCB in New York. I don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing yet, probably playing some music and pretending to be funny like Dave Hill. Word is, Hodgman is also a guest.

Friday 7/27:
I’ll be doing two shows at Milkboy in Ardmore, PA with Paul and Storm. Two shows! One at 7:30 and the other at 10:15. There will certainly be some content overlap in these two sets, so don’t feel like you need to come to both of them. I mean, don’t you people have lives?
Early show:
Late show:

PAX 8/24-8/26
It’s true, I’m playing at PAX along with a lot of other great musicians. I don’t have all the details yet, but the show will be sometime that weekend. Stay tuned for details.

Friday 8/31:
Show with Paul and Storm at the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA at 7:30. Expect the standard sort of rocking.

Bumbershoot 9/1-9/3:
I will be appearing on the comedy stage at Bumbershoot in Seattle 9/1-9/3. There will be both music and comedy from me. More details soon.

And it’s a little far off to be certain about the details here, but I can tell you for sure that there will be some kind of tour with Paul and Storm happening mid-September on the west coast that may include a swing into a few cities in Texas. A couple dates are set already: Great American Music Hall in San Francisco on 9/14, Triple Door in Seattle on 9/23. I’ll add the rest of them to the calendar as they get firmed up, but expect stops in LA and Portland, and possibly some stuff in Austin, Houston and Dallas somewhere around 9/18-9/20.

Thanks, I just wanted to get all that off my chest.


Sobachatina says

I'll be at the one in Austin if it happens.

Bonnie says

Oh, please come to Houston! That would be awesome! My husband & I would make a vacation out of it for our wedding anniversary!

Luke M says

Great American! Holy sh*t! That is Awesome! The Dead debuted "Blues for Allah" there!!!

I will SO be there.

Luke M says

Hope that ticket-for-downloading-the-recording-of-the-show thingy is in place for the S.F. gig...

Elizabeth says

Woohoo. SF has missed you for will we wait until September??!!

Luke M says

OK, tickets bought. Note to S.F. area fans: Virtuous is significantly cheaper than

Luke M says

Concert announcements! Where are all the comments?! Comment ca va?

Anything I can do to help get the mailing list functional again?

Paul says

You are definitely giving us Seattle-ites some love after the Tractor show. I will try to attend 'em all!!!

tfabris says

The Triple Door?! Wow, you're really going upscale.

You'll love the place. Kinda the opposite of the Tractor. :)

Zro says

All of a sudden the ridiculous prices at bumbershoot became worth it.

Jess says

W00t! Can't wait for you to come back to LA :D

(we promise to threaten you less as the night goes on...)