To Recap

By JoCo February 12, 2007

In case you missed it the first time around when I didn’t have all the details, here are the shows for the rest of February. I’m looking for merch table volunteers for New York, San Francisco, San Diego and Portland – you’ll get in for free, score some merch, and also get one overnight cuddle with me (not really). Send me an email if you’re interested and promise not to steal from me.

More detail and tickets available through the links on the Shows page, but here’s the executive summary:

Feb 16, 2007 8:00pm New York, NY Knitting Factory
Jim Boggia featuring Jonathan Coulton / Vinyl Addicts

Feb 18, 2007 8:00pm San Francisco, CA Cafe du Nord
Jonathan Coulton plus Mark Silverman

Feb 20, 2007 7:00pm San Diego, CA House of Blues San Diego

Feb 21, 2007 11:00pm Los Angeles, CA Hotel Cafe

Feb 23, 2007 9:00pm Portland, OR White Eagle Saloon and Hotel

Feb 24, 2007 7:00pm Seattle, WA Tractor

Come on out and rock.


Glenn says

Do we have to rock?

Chris Radcliff says

Can we soft rock?

JoCo says

Yes sorry, I meant soft rock of course.

ORF says

Yay for Portland! For the JoCos about to soft rock, I salute you.

Average Jon says

I'd love to schill for you at the Portland show (Free is a very good price), but the only only reason I rock these days is to get my son to sleep (he ruined everything in the nicest way).

Spiff says

I'll be at the S.F. show and I don't want no damn soft rock. I say break out the acoustic guitar shaped like a battleaxe. Woo!

ORF says

How about a big phallic princesque guitar?

minimo says

Spiff, please say hello! I will grovel in your awesomeness as well.

Colleen says

I posted some of this in a previous thread, but it seems pertinent here too…

Hotel Cafe doesn’t have pre-sale tickets for the LA show, so you’ll have to buy them at the box office on show night.

FYI, for everyone who’s coming to the LA show, parking in that area is, of course, a nightmare. I recommend the parking lot on the west side of Wilcox, between Selma and Hollywood. It’s one block west of Hotel Cafe. And you can also walk to the historic Pig’n Whistle for dinner beforehand.

Yen says

You're never ever gunna hit Vegas, are you?
If it weren't for school and work and such, I might be able to hit a California show.
sigh...oh well.

Gle3nn says

I was looking at the line up for the LA show and the singer that goes on before you plays the musical saw. Yes the Saw. You gotta get a duet going with her somehow!! at least for creepy doll. Her music is pretty good too.

Zro says

Is there gonna be an all ages show in Seattle or should I procure a fake ID?

Paul says

Sweet! I will be at the Seattle show for sure!

Nick says

What about those of us stranded in the midwest? I think a campus tour is in order, starting with Antioch College.

Regan says

What's the chance of you hitting up Chicago again? I was looking forward to your show at Schuba's and then I had to go out of town. When you coming back this way?

JoCo says

There may be another Chicago trip in mid May, along with some ancillary midwest shows around then...

Rachel S says

Ugh! SF has sold out, now what am I going to do?

Thien says

Hot damn, you're coming to Portland.

Shruti says

Nick: No, I really think Purdue University would be a better locale...

Brain says

JC, well if you are in Seattle end Feb you might as well keep those semi trailers moving and bring your rock show to Vancouver, Canada. Oh yes there will be curling...

Guy says

Hey there JC
If you had a gig in Tokyo I would volunteer to be on your merch table - it would be an honour. Of course I hadn't thought about stealing from you until you mentioned it as a condition. Does that make me naive?

Any way, thinking about it I would have thought most of us listeners are too naive to have thought about stealing from the merch table.

Colleenky says

Man, I was really looking forward to the cuddle. [Says Colleen, who is working the merch table in LA.]

HellZiggy says

Hey JC,
I think you made a mistake on that list there. I don't see Minneapolis on it...
You tease us with just the one song when you were here with Hodgman & Pollack and then you don't come back? I'm not feelin' the love! If you come back I'll make you more cookies...


Funnysoprano says

If I get enough people in Utah to listen to you will you come out here? Mormons are big on your stuff...don't ask me why

skyknyt says

I may have missed you the first time here in LA, JC, but NOT AGAIN!

John A. says

I'm sorry to have to report that my party and I had to choose to leave the Cafe du Nord last night (with full refund) after being told that even though I'd bought the tickets a month ago, seating wasn't guaranteed and we'd have to settle for glimpses of the stage from the bar area. The only guaranteed seats were for those who had dinner reservations (a condition the ticket office had not mentioned). There were another 10 or 12 chairs set up in the 15-foot wide archway between the dining area and the bar. The rest of the audience (I'd guess at least another 30 to 40 people) were restricted to the bar.

Considering that my wife is of diminutive stature (4'8") and my sister is of distinguished age (71), it was pretty clear that the physical arrangement would take too much away from our enjoyment of the show.

J.C., Please do come back to San Francisco, and if you again say you want a "sit down show", make sure that the venue actually provides seats.

Dora says

You should stop by Eugene next time you come through the West Coast. Give the college kids a thrill :^)

skyknyt says

Was at tonight's LA show, it was totally awesome.

Thanks for coming down to the LA area and rocking out with us.