At Long Last

By JoCo December 15, 2006

Thing a Week 3 and Thing a Week 4 CDs are now available at CDBaby, and so is the Thing a Week Box Set – all 4 CDs in a signed and numbered tin box, which comes with a little sheet of stickers so you can make your own cover, or decorate your Trapper Keepers. I’m expecting these will go quickly, so I’m going to send back up supplies today. CDBaby will ship Priority Mail (2-3 days) if you order more than one CD, and they also have overnight options if you really want to be sure to save Christmas.
Some of you are going to ask me about getting a box and some stickers, since you’ve already bought the CDs. I’m going to hook you up – I’ll figure out some way to make build-your-own box set kits available at cost. But not by Christmas. Bah, humbug!

Tonight I’m at Mo Pitkins with Paul and Storm, and I’ll have all these CDs with me there too. Bring your money!


Erica says

A link would be most helpful, for we aggravating... I mean.... aggregating folks.

-=ShoEboX=- says

Hey, I've played there! They have the best dressing room ever! :)

Rock muchly, dammit!


Erica says

It would be much better if it were Mandy Patinkin's dressing room...

JoCo dosn't have 6 fingers, does he? :D

Bry says

I've just sent out my order, JoCo. I hope you'll enjoy my money as much as I've enjoyed your music.

(Erica, I got to the purchase page by following the CDs link in the top menu.)

Jerry says

It doesn't seem possible to locate the page at CDBabay via their search engine. BUT - if you go here:

you can order online. I got this by calling up CDBaby; the person I talked to was mystified as to why this isn't searchable, but WAS able to provide the URL.

Jerry says

Or just follow the link at the top, as Bry suggested. Doh!

Len says

I love the covers for TAW 3 and 4! Awesome!

Erica says

Len - I love them, too! Is it hot in here? I think it is!

Ken says

I just ordered the box and the other two CDs from CDBaby and I can hardly wait to get hold of them (and no, no Christmas presents, these; all for ME!). So when can we expect your next CD? ;)

The_Zarum (JR) says

i might buy these, much better than the crap other bands come up with.

The good thing is JC is the only guy (that i know of) that is bad enough to write a song about Zombies. Keep it up \m/

"all we wanna do is eat your brains"

Mike says

hooray hooray! Save a box set for me for tomorrow at Jammin Java! (Unless you sell out of them; then I'll just buy it online)

CarrieP says

See, I was just going to buy everything online after Christmas when I had money, and now I learn there are stickers??! Now I gotta wait to get the Cds from CD Baby. Not that I mind giving CD Baby the love...they provide some of the best customer service out there...and there "your item has shipped" e-mails are simply brilliant.

Oh, and congrats on the NPR spot! Been a lurking fan thru podcasting for a few months now.

Aspera says

Arrggg! I finally get back on the internet (at work, I've been without power since Thursday/Friday Midnight) and find the box sets sold out already! Thanks for pre-reordering. Hopefully I won't have to wait long. *whimper*