PopSci Podcast

By JoCo December 14, 2006

I just heard that the PopSci Podcast has been chosen as one of the iTunes store Staff Picks for 2006. It’s on the first page, right up there with my heroes Ze Frank and Ask a Ninja. Huzzah!

Wait a sec, didn’t I also do some other podcast in 2006?


Chris Radcliff says

Congratulations! Totally deserved; I've loved every episode so far. And you're more Nano-friendly than either Ze Frank or that Ninja fellow, with their video-centricity.

Spiff says


Glenn says

Everyone here on Earth is cheering for you.

Maybe the someone said, "hey, we shoudl honor the podcast that Coulton guy did." Perhaps you should consider youself lucky they didn't pick Little Gray Books, which, while wonderful, is less Coultonized.

Shannon says

I love that podcast. Congratulations on that Jonathan!!! Keep up all the good work!!!!!

Scarybug says

It's one of my favorites, too. Especially the "storyline" stuff that started when Hodgeman was on.

Incedentally I just heard you giving "the story so far" on 7th Son. I'm that far behind that I just discovered it.

Zac says

Aw, man. The last time I looked you were still on podcast 17. I have some catching up to do.

Glenn says

Wait. It just occurred to me that I'm in Portland. Which means I'm on the moon. I'm so confused.