Bob and Tom

By JoCo November 10, 2006

I have just heard that on Monday 11/27 I’ll be on the Bob and Tom show along with Paul and Storm, as we kick off our mini-tour with some hilarious morning zoo action. I’m not sure exactly what will happen, but I do know that I will have to be at the studio early in the morning, which is the funniest time of day. It’s a great time for singing too! Please note that either Bob or Tom appears to have an actual mustache – I salute him.


Richie says

I just subscribed to their site because they don't air in LA. I knew Paul & Storm were regulars on that show, but I am excited that you are gonna be on it with them now!

Amanda H. says

Y'know, I usually despise the Bob and Tom show and refuse to listen to it, but I think I'll just have to suffer through it for you...

Barbie says

I'm so so excited. Jo Co, you are finally going to be on Bob and Tom. I've been waiting for this for like ever.I'm uber excited!! They're awesome dudes. I requested a bit from Paul and Storm backin May, and they talked about me for days cuz I had a guide dog. But they're super fun, and super awesome, and to have you on the show will make it that much cooler!

Mad Mac says

Please come to Minnesota, you got a BIG plug on The Garage Logic radio show by Joe Soucheray (KSTP 1500). He said you were great and he wants to get you on. Please do it after 4:30 central time because that is when I drive home.

Dan J says

I was over at their Laugh Hole section earlier today and got to see you perform "Over There". Awesome!