
By JoCo October 5, 2006

It’s 6 AM here in lovely Concourse A of the Detroit airport. I think. Who can tell?

I wish we had a little more time to spend in these places – Milwaukee seemed kind of cool, but we were only there for a night. I did a few songs before we started the reading and found it amusing to watch the people who had never heard me before try to figure out what the hell was going on. I finally met jpez, which maybe will not mean anything to you, but he was one of the frequent commenters earlier on in the life of this blog, and it was nice to put a face to the screen name. Hi jpez.
And then off to Ann Arbor, which was last night. Borders #1 – the flagship store. They were really nice there and they bought a bunch of my CDs to sell at the store (which rarely happens, even though I am so freaking awesome). And then I ate some delicious macaroni and cheese and went to bed. I party like that EVERY NIGHT on this tour.

We’re headed to Philadelphia this morning, where we’ll be doing an event at the Free Library with Amy Sedaris and David Rees as part of the 215 Festival. Should be totally wicked.


Dean Vanderkolk says

It was great to see you there!

jpez says

Hey JoCo! You might have gotten my invite to Facebook, which is where I posted the pics. If not, there are a few here plus a bonus live video: Sorry I haven't been posting frequently as of late; life in Milwaukee has been known to be hectic at times.

Chris f. says

Hi! I'm comming to the philadelphia semenar! And, make John sign my audio book version of his book. I'm chris remember that! Chris F.! Ok?

Emily says

Hi there, Jonathan! My name is Emily, and my friend Corey and I met you last night after your bit at the Philadelphia Free Library with Hodgeman, Sedaris, and Rees. We talked of buckskin suits on eBay, (not your privilege but) your RIGHT to sell your CDs on the monopolized book table, and where I found my bitchin' nail clipper ring (Dollar Pride, 10th & Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA, 19107). David Rees looked lonely, so we talked to him too, but only out of pity.

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your "performance" and talking to y'all afterwards. Keep up the good work! spread the good word (about hobos?)! and come play in philadelphia again sometime.

Best wishes,

(do you read these?)

Gina says

Hello Jonathan. I was the pushy crip lady that interrupted your phone call for pics. I had just been turned on to your music by a net friend and I was enthralled. "Creepy Doll" was my entry to your "Thing A Week." I wish you had more time to play some more of your music. I totally dug the buckskin. Too bad more troubadours partake of buckskin. Hope you wing your way back to Philly!