
By JoCo October 3, 2006

Well, we flew from Chicago to Milwaukee, which took about 5 minutes. I barely had time to crack open a magazine when it was time to land – and there certainly was no time for beverage service, which is the whole point of traveling by plane. I was sad.

Last night at the House of Blues was fun, though the space was not really optimized for full-on Coulton army maneuvers. Directly in front of the stage were a bunch of dinner tables, and honestly a lot of those people looked like they just wanted to eat their fried catfish caesar salads and be left alone. Everyone else was crammed in along the side of the room next to the bar where they could sometimes kind of catch a glimpse of me if they leaned out past the big wooden posts in their way. Ah well, I’m not that pretty anyway. Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to Paul and Storm for joining me on First of May – I love it with the extra vox.

And before that, our show at Second City was a blast. That crowd was ready to party, and so loud and giggly. John drank a little too much Jeppson’s Malort – while on stage! It was crazy town!
Tonight John and I will rauk Milwaukee’s sauks auff at Harry Schwartz (the Bay View store). Tomorrow Ann Arbor, then Philly, then Minneapolis, then a few days in LA over the weekend. Probably the next Coulton show will be in LA on Monday, but I don’t have all the details yet. Soon…


Anthony says

Where will you be playing Minneapolis, Mr. Coulton?

Matt says

No time to shop Skymall either? They're just ruining the whole flying experience.

glych says

Fitzgerald Theater
10 E Exchange St.
Saint Paul, MN 55101

$15 per ticket
8pm show


But alas, JoCo, you didna' give me enough time! I havta' work! GAH!
If you can stay until Sunday, we could try to swing it to have an encore performance at my work, The Acme Comedy Company ( They're usually closed Sundays except for special events...and MAN would this be special!


Ryan says

Anyone know which place in Ann Arbor JC is playing?

Lori says

Very excited to be attending the 215 Festival in Philly tomorrow. Besides the old standards, I'm hoping you will play "I'd Like to Go Out Drinking With You" and "A Talk with George." Love them tunes. Any chance of "Code Monkey?"
Till then,

Wendy says

We really loved the House of Blues show, even if it did mean we had to watch the the catfish salad diners watching you. It was good to meet you, too!