No Guns, Knives, Jokes

By JoCo February 16, 2006

So here I am in the Portland airport killing some time, eating some salmon hash. Free Wifi – why is this not everywhere?

Last night’s event at Powell’s in Portland supported my theory that audiences in the Northwest are the greatest. Lots of people who laughed, a few who drove from Seattle to see us, and Marty even brought his half pony half monkey stuffed animal. Also met Glenn of the two Ns, and Vincent of the Shop Vac solo. Nice to put faces to names. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Milwaukee is cancelled! Not the whole city, just out appearance there. I hear there’s some weather. Instead we’re going directly to Denver to kill 24 hours and then do our last show of this tour on Friday night at the Tattered Cover. If anyone has any suggestions for things we must not miss while in Denver, please let me know. Maybe John and I will go quail hunting.

Which brings me to this: Jill Sobule has beaten me to the punch with a topical song about the Cheney shooting (are they calling it quailgate yet?). Watch it Sobule, you’re on my list! The song is here: Dick and Harry


Paul says

Things to see around Denver - well, if you have a little bit of time try to get out to Golden. Not just for the Coors brewery, but the scenery is nice plus the main street is picturesque in winter.
If you're into old railroading stuff there's a great (mostly outdoor) museum between Denver and Golden. Infinite opportunities for some creative photography (do I smell a Creative Commons project possibility?)
South of Denver is Red Rocks park - awesome any time of year.

Chris says

Sorry to hear that Milwaukee was cancelled... my brother was looking forward to your appearance. Maybe next time!

jp3z says

Man, that's a bummer you're not coming to Milwaukee. I was looking forward to seeing you in real life. I guess 3 inches of snow is a big deal.

You should still do Quailgate!

Christopher Grant Harris says

It's too bad I couldn't make it down to Portland. It's also too bad you couldn't make it up to the greater Seattle/Tacoma area, because then I definitely would have been able to see you.

You should totally market a line of monkey/pony stuffed animals! They'd sell like hotcakes, I tells ya!

Glenn says

No, thank you guys. Most fun I've had in a long time. I'm wearing my Mandelbrot t-shirt today -- better late than never.

Maybe you should have hopped down to Milwaukie before you hit the airport. Then you could honestly say you'd been there. Even if writing it would be a little suspect.

The only thing I remember doing in Denver is going to the Go club. And waiting until I could leave. (It's probably nice if you're a resident -- it did give me a nice lightning show for my birthday.)

Dan Lurie says

Well, its 13F right now, and it doesnt look like it will be any warmer tomorrow night. Luckily, the tattered cover has good heating (its occasionally a bit too warm). In terms of things to do, Denver isnt all that exciting when one is only around for a day. LoDo (lower downtown) is "where its at", so that might be something interesting to check out.... yeah, I'm blanking on other things to do.

Anyway, I look forward to meeting you guys tommorrow night. Till then, try and stay warm!

- Dan, of shop-vac contest fame :)

V says

Enjoyed the appearance, Jonathan. You and John work together well. I was expecting Furry Old Lobster -- also a fine song -- but it was definitely a treat to hear Skullcrusher Mountain. John's theme song is a major hoot as well. Any chance of you making it available for download? (Not that it would be quite the same out of context, but all the same...)

- Vincent, the Rodney Dangerfield of Shop Vac soloists

P.S.: Enough people call me Victor that I've considered changing my name to Vincent/Victor, but then my jackass friends would start calling me "Slash" and I'd have to kill them all, and what is life without friends, I ask you?

JoCo says

Vincent: Crap. I called you Victor didn't I? I am a fool...

marty says



What I mean is, it was good to see you guys, and I'm glad you enjoyed Ponkey. And thank you for the SCM performance. ::)

LoRe says

I lived in and love Denver, but when someone asks what they *must* see when they go there, all I can say is "Boulder." Golden wasn't a bad suggestion, either. LoDo is kinda, well, you know. Bars and shopping. Coffee houses? But in GOLDEN it smells like a BREWERY, and that can't be bad, except downwind.

If you like that sort of thing, I'm sorry you missed Milwaukee.

Powell's was fun! Thanks to you and yours for the entertainment. Next time, we'll bring you Voodoo donuts. Or something. Donutty.

Tony Fabris says

Thanks for that wonderful evening at Powell's.

I'm serious about you and Ookla doing double-bill shows, you'd go so well together. And I'm sure you and the Ookla boys would get along really well, you seem to be birds of a feather.

Josh says

Woah! did anyone else see the mad color changes! I like them, personally. Always good to switch things up. But green and blue go together better than orange and sea blue.

Lars nCompany says

"It’s too bad I couldn’t make it down to Portland. It’s also too bad you couldn’t make it up to the greater Seattle/Tacoma area, because then I definitely would have been able to see you."

Ditto, especially if it were this coming week; it would have been perfect. I guess there's always next time.

ITAvenger says

You were in Portland and I missed it???


jami says

thanks for visiting our little burg, so frequently passed over for the shimmering emerald giant to the north.

yesterday i tried to suggest buffalo bill's grave and the coors brewery near denver, but my computer froze just thinking about colorado.

Jennybean says

a song that isn't a ripoff of "Janie's Got a Gun!" I can't tell you how many how many crappy versions of that I've heard.
You do a much better Cheney than she does ;-)