CES Podcast

By JoCo January 10, 2006

CES is over, but your sound journey through our CES experience is just beginning. The podcast is now posted on the PopSci site. There is a 30-second piece of Coulton gold in the form of a CES podcast theme song somewhere in there, also audio proof that I apparently love robots more than old people. Enjoy!


Glenn says

Is it possible to love robots too much? I know I've seen what happens when robots love you too much. It's not always pretty.

Glenn says

You guys are such tremendous geeks, I love it.

The Almighty Charles says

I just started listening to PodCasts (after you kept bragging about their awesomeness) and I gotta say, you and Hogdgman are awesome together.

Will Cramer says

this is funny

Josh says

This is good. Nice job completely owning the old guy for the T- Shirt.

The Almighty Charles says

Y... you... didn't post a song today... you... I... ARE YOU OKAY!?!?!