West Coast Trip

By JoCo November 12, 2005

In a couple minutes I leave for the airport – San Francisco, LA and Seattle. Many John Hodgman engagements coming up, check Areas of My Expertise for details. Most notably, John will be appearing on the Daily Show (!) on Wednesday night. I will be cooling my heels in LA then, perhaps wandering around in the desert, or doing a speedball or two at the Viper Room. See you there!


Kathryn says

AI YA! Where in Seattle are you coming?

Glenn says

But not, I notice, Portland. Hmm.

I noticed Mr. Hodgman appears to be mentioned on the They Might Be Giants website -- he gets around!

JoCo says

Our only Seattle thing is Thursday night 7 PM, at Elliot Bay Books. Other than that I will be hanging and chilling.

Glenn says

Curses -- I won't be able to attend that show. Damn you, twin crutches of non-existent teleportation and working hours!