The Worst/Best is Over

By JoCo October 19, 2005

So it looks like the main Baby Got Back storm is dying down, or at least working it’s way out from blogs to other media. I’ll be doing an interview for the Small World Podcast that I think will air next week, and I’ve been asked to do a phone interview with a radio station in Montreal. I’ll let you know when I have the deets on that. Oh, and I’ll be on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow night – kidding! Just a joke.

Thanks to everyone who came out to hear me last night, and thanks especially to Bryan Dunn and Lara Ewen for inviting me to share the stage with them. Tonight is another Little Gray Books lecture: “How to Prepare a Manuscript for Publication.” I’ll be doing a little background music for John Hodgman as he reads from his book (The Areas of My Expertise) to be published October 24th. And in the second half a really excellent musician and songwriter named Cynthia Hopkins will do a little set. She has the most beautiful voice and she plays the accordion and the saw. The saw!

Oh yeah, does anyone know a good mailing list plugin for WordPress?


Sheilah says a friend linked me here. Reminds me of Stephen Lynch in a way.

Here's why it's awesome though...I wouldn't have sex to Sir Mix-a-lot's version. I'd probably punch whoever I was with in the face for even suggesting it...however, I'd totally fuck to this.

Very nice...good job....I'll be donating some when I can.

Gretchen Stockmayer says

Hey Coulton,

Don't know if you'll remember me, but I knew you in college, freshman year mostly, you were a welcome addition to our common room couch on many a late evening.

Anyway, someone sent me an email with your estimable version of Baby Got Back and I thought "I know that guy!" How wonderful! I've played it about a million times for about a million people. And yes, before you ask... I even bought a CD.

Well, just wanted to say hello and exclaim how fabulous your music is. I am getting married in June and might even see if I can get away with having Baby Got Back as my wedding song. Whadya think?


JoCo says

Sheilah: I hadn't thought of it quite that way, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. That's a very nice compliment.

Gretchen: Of course I remember you! That common room was my second home freshman year. Congrats on the wedding - I think it would make a great first dance song.

Alison says


1. You are brilliant.
2. No, really. And I'm talking about stuff other than BGB (the W song = teh awesome), but I did get here via that and then sent it to my guy, who is the world's biggest Stephen Lynch fan (I see someone else mentioned him).

(I got here via: )

Anyway. Hi!

Knoll says

You've acquired a new fanboy and word-spreader. I heard BGB first, and then checked out your other songs. You can expect a monetary contribution soon, and all the miscellaneous exposure that I can manage within the bounds of good taste.

May you receive that lucrative recording deal that you are looking for. You sure as heck deserve it.

Steve says

I also think you're great and I've been talking you up to everybody who will listen and even a few people who won't. And I've pretty much been told that I'm getting a CD for my birthday, which is awesome. I wish I'd heard you sooner, you're stuff is fantastic.

john says

I your played BGB at at iPod night last night. Everyone was like, "where'd you get that song?!!" I wish I'd printed some cards or something.

rohit507 says

Umm.. is a cover just a really messed up remake or what?

shane says

i'm tellin' you peeps. Baby got Back was already remade and No ONE will ever be able to top Richard Cheese's version. Go see for yourself - it's off the hook.