Where’s My Solo?
Went a little off the grid this weekend in Philly, where the only computer I had access to was choked with spyware and used a dialup connection. DIALUP?! That was some slow internet my friends. Being who I am, I couldn’t help but spend all my computer time getting that nasty nail.exe infection off my friend’s machine. Didn’t do a lot of email checking, so I expected to come back to NYC to find my inbox flooded with solos for Shop Vac. Not so. I ask you: what is up? As I have demonstrated time and again, solos don’t have to be “good” or even “played by a competent musician.” So dust off the euphonium and let’s make some rock.
The Hodgman thing went well, thanks for asking. Kind of a confused crowd – there was one couple at a table right in front of us who didn’t crack a smile the whole 20 minutes. Come on, throw me a little something, a courtesy smile just to indicate you understand that what we’re doing is supposed to be funny. I was even wearing a buckskin shirt and a coyote fur hat – still no love from Mr. and Mrs. Stoneypants. But whatev, we did what we came to do, and there were some young hip people sitting on the stairs who seemed to dig us. We’ll next appear at the Little Gray Books lecture on Wednesday 10/19, so get your pity-smiles ready.
And in the meantime, send the old man a solo, wouldja? I promise this will be fun.
Francis says
These people are all talk. My new melodica is straining at the seams of its carrying case to get on it.
Glenn says
Sadly, I am lacking in all musical talent. And I ran out of musical talent pills.
Pity smile locked and loaded.
By the way, I've been thinking of starting a LiveJournal community for your minions there, and since "toomanymonkeys" was taken, is there something you would grant your blessings to? "Coultonistas" occurred to me, but I'm not sure if that fully expresses your evil genius nature.
Evan says
i totally sent you a solo just now
JoCo says
Glenn: I am honored. I kind of like Coultonistas. Coultra-megalon? Coultastic? Coultophonophiliacs?