Your Videos and Things

By JoCo September 27, 2007

Perhaps you remember this now semi-famous video for Code Monkey from JoCo fan Emily – I say semi-famous because it’s quite true. I personally have seen people doing this dance in the audience at shows. There is also this homage performed by a toddler, and this other one performed by a toddler, and you know it’s just a crazy thing. I do this thing and then Emily does a thing based on it, and then THAT becomes a thing, and other people do more things (OK, other toddlers do, but you see my point).

Anyway I mention all this because the video recently passed the 200,000 views mark, and Emily posted this video thanking the internet. She also sent me a new video she made for The Big Boom, which I’m sure I will see people doing at shows if I ever learn how to play it on the guitar. And it would be a crime not to mention here that Spiff’s Code Monkey video has recently passed the one million mark on YouTube. And now of course I need to mention all the video makers by name which I cannot possibly do because there are too many of them, and Len with the VTAW pictures, and Kristen with the uke remix, and everybody else – thank you so much, all of you.

Anybody who thinks amateur content is damaging our culture needs to keep thinking for a little while. I for one welcome our new amateur overlords…


Glenn says

Oooh, it's all twisty!

Truly, Emily's dance was an awesome work of art in its own right. She should be proud.

jess says

Man, to top it all off Emily was wearing a Hot Fuzz t-shirt. JoCo and Hot Fuzz were the highlights of my weekend (in that order too!) I'm still buzzing from the Portland show last Friday.

Jonathan, one question? When are you going to release an extended version of Mr. Fancy Pants? I like the original pretty well but I keep watching and sending people the link to a You Tube video that I found from the Portland show. I didn't record it ( too busy being soft rocked) and the quality is so so, but it gives you a glimpse of what I'm talking about.


jess says

Oops, meant to put in the link. Stupid computer, always doing what I said, not what I meant.


Brad O'Farrell says

Wow @ that guy complaining about Internet collaboration. It sounds like he's just mad that his content wasn't good enough to make it on the Internet. I would go into what I think his true motivation for writing that book is, but instead I'll use the power of Internet collaboration to have anonymous strangers describe him for me:

Demetrius says

Hey, JoCo... Several people have asked (here and elsewhere) about the t-shirt design I posted in the previous thread. If you want it for your official store let me know where to send the high resolution file. Elsewise, if you're not interested but don't mind, I can put it up in *our* store.

Damon says

My kids (5 & 3) love Emily and I've got some clips of them dancing to her "Don't Make Me Dance" video that I need to get on YouTube.

I'm amazed that my video to Someone Is Crazy has had 12K views. I love being an amateur!

Joel says

Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise crazy!

Andrea says

Hey, everybody, you may not have noticed, but they added a feature so that if you log into your account on YouTube, you can now rate people's comments. Emily the Code Monkey dancer has gotten a lot of really, REALLY nasty comments mixed in with the nice ones. It might be nice to go through all the comments and give thumbs down to nasty people and thumbs up to people who are at least civil.

SevinPackage says

Yeah, folks. We should band together and support the people that support JoCo! After all, he's the only reason why we're here in the first place.

the boy says

"Amateur Overlords" is a great phrase, and something I will always prefer to real overlords.

Also, way to rock the CC

Steve F. says

Jonathan, about your upcoming show in PA, is there anyway I can buy tickets online or not? My two friends and I really want to go (we live about two hours away from the show) but to show up there all pumped up about it to only find out that it's a full house would upset us greatly. Thank you.

minimo says

Keen's basic premise is that it's only 'good' culture if somebody paid for it. If it's free, it must be bad.
Mm hmm.

mysticsavage says

Emily just rocks. We're big fans at our house. My kids (6 & 5) love her as much as they love you. Maybe more, because you know...she's not all bitter & stuff. I maybe love you more, because you kinda are all bitter & stuff.

Len says

Hey! I'm really happy to be in such esteemed company as Spiff and Emily. :) By the by, I was just lamenting to Paul from Paul and Storm last week that I haven't talked to you in weeks, JoCo. I should rectify that situation with an e-mail perhaps.

Jon says

You mean amateur expression, or performance, or creativity; you don't mean "content" which is not itself trained or credentialled.

Yours for correct usage of "content".