Tom Cruise Crazy Video

By JoCo January 29, 2007

John the Uke-ist has outdone himself. You remember John of course, who wore a hat and played Re: Your Brains on Ukulele on YouTube. I should first mention that he sent me a second version of this video, this time with zombie footage. And now I find out he’s also done a video for Tom Cruise Crazy a la Uke, plus backing vocals. Nice work John the Uke-ist.

Oh, also? Glenn tells me that Tom Cruise is the Scientology Jesus. Nice to see the guy’s finally getting some recognition.


Darth Paradox says

You've heard, of course, that Tom Cruise has been claimed as the messiah by Scientologists? Seems they've outdone themselves too.

Glenn says

It's odd that he didn't mention that -- he actually replied this morning to the e-mail I sent him last week with a link about it.

Glenn says

Yay, he updated!

Tom says

He used 2 be sane. He used 2 be an excellent actor. Then he found Scientology, jumped backwards on Oprahs couch and blasted Brooke Shields 4 taking prescription drugs 4 post partum depression. He used 2 be one of the greats in Hollywood now hes just ur average run of the mill nutbar.